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— The Blog is written by Saugata Banerjee the view is that of Author’s own assessment

The second Surge continued in the month of August as well albeit in a falling rate. Only hope is the falling death
rate and for the first time recovery rate is greater than the infection rate.

From this month we shall focus on the great role played by China in the spreading  its first successful launch of Biological War globally. Given the sensitivity of the issue all nations are tight lipped though their secret agencies must be working overtime. But we need to highlight this event which in the lives of Digitians- the Digital Generations will not be the last one, a series of the same is expected :

Background :

China has an ambition of becoming the global super power. It has well progressed in that direction but still only USA is ahead of China. Major part of Chinese economy is  dependent on USA and European countries as it has become the manufacturing hub of the world. However, like all good things there has been gradual slow down of the Chinese economy since 2017. This was quite clear in 2018 and with USA commencing Trade war against China by putting Tariff on import from China there has been significant effect on Chinese economy in 2019.

In 2003, the Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) ,a viral respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus, also  called SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) spread from Asia to 29 countries – 8098 infected and 774 people died (WHO)(mortality rate 9.6%) .  In 2012, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) which so far affected only 2494 people and 848 death(WHO) (mortality rate 34%). This could be the que for the present as Bill Gates presented in a Ted show in 2016.

01. It is now quite clear that the Covid-19 virus is a human intervened laboratory developed virus. From the scientific point of view, still there are theorists (Chinese propaganda specialist or who want to be non-controversial) who believed that virus is natural one. According to them the virus originated from the original Bat coronavirus that passaged into human infection. They believed that possible source was the origination from Live animal markets in Wuhan. But if that is the true case then why Wuhan,  as in every cities of China there are thousands of  live animal markets.  Wuhan Institute of Virology  (WIV) is established in 2015 and commissioned as the only BSL -4 category lab Led by researcher Zheng-Li Shi in China working on the similar bat coronavirus to research on . This laboratory was funded by  WHO,US CDC, US NIH, The FAO, The Gates Foundation most of the them through EcoHealth Alliance or to Wuhan University. No match was found for the novel coronavirus  in nature but the work at WIV is very closely matching ( A scientific claim). The theory which is termed as conspiracy theory states that this virus escaped from WIV laboratory like many such cases occurred in the past around the world. Another doubt raised  especially over an US led team questioned the poor security control condition of the lab in 2018 (as reported). For details read the article    (

But our contention is one step forward – if it is a lab generated virus (although it is not proved)  and it is generated in a Chinese lab then what is the assurance that Chinese Secret Agencies did not use it.  Because the spread this time is so radical and global it cannot happen without a government sponsored PROGROM.  We provide the following points in support of our arguments :

02. How with a population of 1.3 billion China did manage to hold the pandemic to only 85,134 infection and 4634 deaths. Given the high level of pollution and congested living style in China – this is absurd when 214 countries in the world got affected. This clearly shows that China could build a strategy of biomedical weapon of mass destruction and successfully implemented the same. China created an alibi by initiating first in its own country a controlled but dramatized version of Coronavirus spread and lock down, manipulated WHO with misleading data and given the history of SARS and MERS, WHO was misguided. World leaders like Donald Trump Angela Markel, Boris Johnson all are aware – Donald Trump started calling it Chinese Virus in May 2020 with proposed action against WHO; Angela Markel ( a scientist herself) blamed China for non transparency and many others like France, Britain and Australian PM blamed China too. This shows the pain of the understanding by the world leaders (in a veiled manner) that how China spread the virus. It is also dangerous that since WIV was funded by all these countries and Global Institutions, they cannot come out in the open. Given the secretive nature of Chinese modus operandi, all traces must have been wiped out by now. For sure it will come out one day, but still will be in realm of conspiracy theory.

03. China strategically targeted gradually  – first Europe  and then followed by USA. China wants to take control of financial world as the top 7 Global banks are now from China. It is in the benefit of  China if all world financial capitals are affected – New York, London, Frankfurt, Singapore, Hongkong and Tokyo plus if you analyse in all countries the most affected cities are the financial capital cities. The most important weak link in European Economy is Italy and Spain and they are affected the most; but UK, Germany and France not also spared.

04. China is an ally of African countries – donates huge funds to Government, politicians and political parties to control their natural resources and vast agricultural land for food security. Therefore, how you explain  Africa overall with poorest  medical facilities are least affected. But if you take a close look, you will observe that all major economies of Africa are affected –    without a targeted spread, how mainly countries with financial power in Africa get affected in all four corners of the continent –  South Africa (South), Morocco & Egypt (North), Nigeria(West), Kenya  and Ethiopia (East) are worst affected. Any explanation or logic for this kind of  targeted virus spread.

05. In the second leg in  April-May 2020 the focus shifted to made up allies like BRICSBrazil, Russia, India and South Africa. they are the emerging economies and also close competitors to China.   The infection in South America is only targeted to  the top countries –  Brazil(over 4 million)  and  Peru, Columbia, Argentina, Chili (all around 500K)  – the question comes back, why only big economies and  whether it  can happen without targeted spread.  Same repeated  in south East Asia. If India is attacked it will not look nice  so spread a controlled one in Pakistan and Bangladesh (which are allies to China) but less affected only around 300,000 while India is at 4.7 million while Srilanka which is a very close  Chinese Ally for their Belt and Road Initiative (the infection is only 3155  with death of 12!!!). Thus, you can really find a pattern if you go through the numbers.

06. In the latest GDP data for the major Countries –  Quarterly GDP of all these countries for June 2020 crashed : US -32.9%, India -23.9% Uk -20.4%, France -13.8%, Italy -12.4%,  Canada -12% Germany -10.1%  and Japan -7.6%  while only exception is China where GDP increased by 3.2%. This is what China wanted. So in the initial 8 months phase everything went according to plan what China played.

The question is whether this will be the last of its kind once the vaccine is out. We do not think so there will be retaliation by other powers and we  may see many such application or misapplication in the future. This pandemic made it clear to everyone that it has more pervasive power to destruction than a WAR.  So along with global warming another new threat of Global Virus is going to be part and parcel of life.

We are tracking monthly to understand the trend of the effect on humanity, society and economy.  We are trying to project the endgame which appears to be difficult but will provide guidance to the   the Society, Commercial Organization, Government and Individual so that a proper survival strategy to come out of financial and psychological effect can be drawn. We are simply basing our facts on figures as published without adding any color but our interpretation may differ with yours, so read it cautiously and share your comments.

Please click the link  below to see the figures, Charts and Analysis