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The Infection instead of subsidising is increasing weekly @ 18.4%, recovery rate has improved but slow for Coronavirus Covid-19 Pandemic. New Super Hotspots leading by Brazil, Russia and India have emerged with other 7 countries and there are Major hotspots of 19 countries. USA although slowed down but still the weekly infection rate is above 12%. In our report it is overwhelmingly clear now that it will prolong to mid August 2020 to be 95% cleared (so another 2 and half months of war ).
Given the prolonged lockdown, severe economic and social crises in the form of hunger, unrest are growing world over; The Governments of developing and emerging markets have understood that lockdown cannot continue for long and its becoming more costlier than death due to COVID. Lockdown are not respected and mostly violated by citizens. Livelihood of daily wage earners which are over 50% of the world populations are at risk. Manufacturing, Retails, Tourism, Travels & Transport, Leisure, Aviation, Energy are all affected significantly and the recovery is long drawn. During May 2020 many countries started opening in phases to prevent more economic and social crises, when the infections rates are still surging, It is expected most of the world will be open domestically by end June 2020. International Travel will remain effected till mid August.
We are tracking now bi-weekly to understand the trend of the effect on humanity, society and economy. We are trying to project the endgame which appears to be difficult but will provide guidance to the strategy the Society, Commercial Organization, Government and Individual need to adapt to come out of financial and psychological effect it will have on them. We are simply basing our facts on figures as published without adding any color but our interpretation may differ with yours, so read it cautiously and share your comments. Since now it is clear that it will prolong further, we shall publish our Dashboard on a monthly basis with more news and views.
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