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Infection! Infection! Infection!  Growth in Infection in July   is equivalent to the total figure of last 6 months!! Except Europe, all other continents of the World  felt the surge. This is surely the result of relaxing lock down measure which we mentioned in May 2020 and the effect is disastrous. The other reason is the increased testing facilities around the world. India Tripled in a month. Africa doubled and could be the next major hotspots along with India. The only hope is that death  rate slowed down comparatively but we have to wait for another month before confirmation. As we mentioned last month Pandemic will definitely prolong till December 2020, if not further.  Given the fact that  July 2020 became the highest growth month for Infection; instead of subsidising infection spread weekly @ 19.6% (last month 15.8%), recovery rate improved but  sprees of spread is much higher.

New Super Hotspots led by USA/Mexixo (North America) Brazil, Argentina and Peru (South America) , India & Bangladesh(Indian Sub continent), Africa and Eastern Europe have emerged with Major hotspots of 23 countries.  The mortality rate for the first time has fallen below 4%. It is very clear from Europe & Oceania  experience that if you strictly follow lockdown then you can have some control on the pandemic and it takes 4-5 months to get a control if you seriously follow lockdown. The second wave which started from June (some expert is saying Second Wave is yet to come!) is coming in all those countries where there has been major breaches of social distancing  and wearing masks.

Given the prolonged lockdown, severe economic and social crises in the form of  hunger, unrest will be around world over. The most important fact is that international business will be affected and the domestic economy cannot also escape along with high unemployment.  As we mentioned, livelihood of  daily wage earners  which are over 50% of the world populations are at  threat. USA GDP dropped 9% in a Quarter and to keep the economy float US Government is coming with 4th stimulus package. But it will not be possible for emerging markets so the crises Due to low demand and prolonged pandemic, Manufacturing, Retails, Tourism, Travels & Transport, Leisure, Aviation, Energy  will continue to be affected  till 2021 significantly and the recovery is long drawn, the recession will be deep and severe. 

The effect will be more severe if Indian Subcontinent and Africa/Middle East(at present reported infection is only less than 0.01% of the population) get infected in the same manner America, Europe and South America got  affected (0.8% of the Population).    We are hoping that few medicine  would start showing remedial effect and by the year-end a vaccine will be there. Secondly, we hope  health systems are now slightly  better equipped and new medicine is coming in August 2020. We think that the economic crises phase has commenced.

We are tracking monthly to understand the trend of the effect on humanity, society and economy.  We are trying to project the endgame which appears to be difficult but will provide guidance to the   the Society, Commercial Organization, Government and Individual so that a proper survival strategy to come out of financial and psychological effect can be drawn. We are simply basing our facts on figures as published without adding any color but our interpretation may differ with yours, so read it cautiously and share your comments.

Please click the link  below to see the figures, Charts and Anlysis